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Identification: An adult Confused Flour Beetle is about 1/8" in length. It has a flat reddish-brown body. The antennae are club-like and gradually become larger near the end.

Habits: The Confused Flour Beetle is often mistaken as a Red Flour Beetle hence the name. Females will lay 2-3 eggs per day and live 2-3 years. They infest grains, grain by-products, beans, spices, chocolate, and rodent baits.

Control: The standard procedure for controlling all pantry pests is as follows: Discard all infested materials and sanitize the infested cabinets. After cleaning, a light hand spraying of the cabinets with the appropriately labeled pesticide is very effective in eliminating an infestation. All new materials should be stored in containers with tight-fitting lids. Monroe Pest Control Inc. specializes in riding these insects from your home. We offer free estimates and a full warranty upon completion of services!

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