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Identification: Adult Carpet Beetles are black with spotted patterns of white, brown, and orange on their backs, ranging 1/8” to 3/16’ in length. Larvae have elongated bodies with brushy tail bristles.

Habits: They are found in dark/hidden areas such as closets, under furniture, edges of carpets under baseboards, or where susceptible items are stored for long periods of time. They feed on animal-based materials composed of wool (rugs or clothing), and taxidermized animals, but more commonly the shed hair of pets. In some cases, pet hair accumulated in air ducts and vents can house an infestation.

Control: All infested items must be located, laundered, dry cleaned or discarded. Then proper sanitation practices must take place (vacuuming general area, under items that generally aren’t moved). After, a light hand spraying with the properly labeled insecticide in harborage areas will achieve elimination. Monroe Pest Control Inc. specializes in eliminating these insects and offers a full warranty upon completion of services.


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