Carpenter Ants

Identification: Carpenter Ants vary in size from 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length, are black in color and have a single node between their thorax and abdomen.

Habits: Carpenter ants primarily nest in trees, but they may establish satellite nests inside of structures. They do not eat wood but hollow out "galleries" in the wood for nesting sites. In the spring as temperatures increase, they become more active seeking new sites for satellite colonies and forage great distances for new food sources. Carpenter ants can over-winter inside of a home in structural timbers, flooring, hollow core doors, etc. One of the telltale signs of a carpenter's ant nest is the piles of "frass" or course wood shavings they leave behind when hollowing out the galleries.

Control: The best method of control is to find and directly treat the nest with properly labeled pesticides. Monroe Pest Control Inc. specializes in riding these insects from your home or business. We offer free estimates and a full warranty upon completion of services!

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