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 Identification: The house fly is about 1/4" long and a dull gray in color.  They have four longitudinal black stripes down their back.

Habits:  The house fly is the most common fly found around the home.  The female lays 75-150 eggs per batch. These eggs will be laid in almost any warm, moist material with sufficient food for larval development. The adults tend to rest less than five feet from the ground at night, near their daytime food source.

Control:  The best methods for controlling house flies are a combination of mechanical control, sanitation, and chemical methods.  Mechanical control entails installing tight fitting screens and airtight weather stripping to prevent their entry.  In addition, practicing good sanitation, removing garbage, and cleaning trash cans. Finally, any remaining adult flies can be eliminated using the appropriately labeled aerosol product. Monroe Pest Control Inc. can eliminate an infestation and offer a warranty upon completion of services.


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