Cat Fleas

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Identification:  An adult flea is about 1/8" long and laterally flattened. They are reddish brown to black in color.

Habits: Fleas are prolific breeders. A female flea will lay 4-8 eggs after each feeding and up to 500 eggs in a lifetime. An egg will grow into an adult flea in as little as 12 days under ideal conditions or can take up to one year under the harshest conditions. They are also excellent jumpers, with the ability to jump 50 times their body length. An infestation usually starts with fleas being carried into the home on pets or humans.

Control:  The best method for controlling fleas is to treat the floors and furniture/bedding with an appropriately labeled residual insecticide. Monroe Pest Control Inc. can eliminate your flea infestation and offer a warranty upon completion of services.

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