House Spider

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Identification:  An adult House Spider is usually brown to dirty white in color and ranges from 1/8 to 5/16" in length.

Habits:  These are by far the most common spiders found indoors.  This spider is considered a nuisance pest, more because of its webs than the spider itself, which is harmless to humans.  The House Spider will build its webs in corners, around window frames, closets, basements, and a variety of other areas.  If the web does not yield prey, it will be abandoned for another site.  Due to the fact their web-site selection is by trial and error, several webs may be constructed over a period of a few days.

Control:  The best method for the control of spiders should begin with an exterior treatment, using an appropriately labeled residual pesticide, as well as an interior spray around doors, windows, and other spider harborage areas. Monroe Pest Control Inc. specializes in riding these insects from your home. We offer free estimates and a full warranty upon completion of services!


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