
As temperatures start to decline Rodents, such as Mice, start looking for their Winter homes. Instead of using tools to build a mouse house, they move into attics and other low traffic areas within our homes. These areas allow rodents to move undetected until activity is noticed and a call to action is needed. Proper identification is critical to determine hazards, control methods and future requirements to rid a home or business of a rodent infestation. House mice and Norway Rats are the more frequent rodents found in our service area. The House…continue reading →


For those who take pride and invest heavily in the appearance of their home, lawn and gardens, the appearance of mounds and ridges due to a mole infestation is extremely frustrating. Their foraging tunnels disfigure well-manicured grass, dislodge and injure plant roots and facilitate the germination of weed seeds.   Moles feed mainly on earthworms and beetle grubs both of which thrive in lawns and mulch gardens where regular watering and fertilizing are conducive to their presence. It is for this reason that well- maintained grounds will always be highly attractive to moles…continue reading →

Where Are These Mice Coming In?

One quarter of one inch. The width of a house key. 3 nickels stacked on top of one another. The width of a fettuccini noodle. This is all the space that a mouse requires to gain access to a home or building. Anyone that has ever been startled by the sudden appearance of a mouse knows that they disappear as quickly as they emerge. For those who have been curious enough to investigate where the mouse came from or went, it can be mind boggling since no apparent access holes are visible. When…continue reading →