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Identification: An adult American cockroach is about 1 3/8" - 2 1/8" long. They are generally reddish brown in color with a yellowish tint on the back of the head.

Habits: The female deposits her ootheca (egg sack) within four days of formation.  The ootheca will be deposited in a warm, humid location and contains 14-16 eggs.  Although American cockroaches are seen in homes, they are more commonly found in commercial properties such as restaurants, bakeries, and hospitals, infesting food storage and preparation areas. It is also common to find them in sewers, steam tunnels, and storm drains.

Control: A hand spraying of the baseboards in the basement and a light dusting around drainpipes with the appropriately labeled insecticides is the best course of action.  Monroe Pest Control Inc. has highly qualified technicians who will eliminate these cockroaches and offer a full warranty upon completion of services.

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