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Identification:  The overall length of a female Black Widow is 11/2 to 1 3/8", including legs, with males being about half the size.  They are typically black in color with 2 red triangles in the shape of an hourglass on the underside of the abdomen.

Habits:  The female deposits her eggs into a silken sac that is white originally but turns a pale brown soon after it is made.  They often use protected places to live, such as under rocks, or woodpiles.  Indoors they will live in seldom-used areas, such as garages, basements, or crawl spaces.  These spiders are most common in southern states and are rarely found in our region.

Control:The best method for the control of spiders should begin with an exterior treatment, using an appropriately labeled residual pesticide, as well as an interior spray around doors, windows, and other spider harborage areas. Monroe Pest Control Inc. specializes in riding these insects from your home. We offer free estimates and a full warranty upon completion of services!

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